Soft Drinks & Iced TeaIncludes Servers, Cups, Ice and Sweeteners.$5.00 p/p
Beer, Wine, Soft Drinks (Regular Brands)Includes Bartender, Cups, and Ice for 4 Hours.
OLD FORESTERVODKAGINRUMBeer, Wine, Soft Drinks, and Cocktails made from regular Brands. Includes Bartender, Cups, and Ice for 4 hours.
MAKERS MARKABSOLUTE VODKATANQUERAY GINBACARDI RUMPremium Beers, Wine, Soft Drinks, and Cocktails made from Premium brands. Includes Bartender, Cups, and Ice for 4 hours.
(Cups & Ice $1.50 p/p)Bartender Fee:$200.00/hr. first hour$50.00/hr. for add'l hours(minimum 4 hours)(Includes License and Insurance)